crepey skin
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Your Crepey Skin

What exactly is crepey skin, and how do I get rid of it? As you age, you may have noticed that areas of your skin are starting to look thin and wrinkled, taking on the appearance of crinkled tissue paper.

The skin may also sag and feel loose. You may also notice that crepey skin covers a larger area than wrinkles. The skin feels way more fragile — this is crepey skin, and it commonly occurs under the eyes, on the upper inner arms, and on the hands. There are many causes of crepey skin. Sun damage is the leading cause. UV radiation exposure can wreak havoc on tender skin because, over time, the radiation from the UV rays breaks down the skin’s elasticity.


Once these fibers break down, the skin can loosen, thin, and wrinkle. Long-term exposure makes damage irreparable. Chronic exposure to the sun can also cause premature aging, which, over time, can make the skin become thick and leathery. Since this occurs slowly over time, premature aging is often regarded as an avoidable, regular part of growing older — though up to 90% of the visible skin changes attributed to aging are caused by sun exposure. 

bright sun

Other causes of crepey skin may include rapid and significant weight loss, leaving behind loose and thin skin. Alcohol consumption is also a factor. Excessive alcohol affects the mucous membranes and can manifest as visible dehydration as it saps the skin of fluid. Dehydration of the skin leads to wrinkles, fine lines, and crepey skin. As you age, your skin produces less oil than it did when you were younger. These oils create a lipid barrier that protects the skin and seals in moisture. Dryness for any reason can cause crepey skin. Certain medications such as prednisone, certain inhalers, and steroid creams can also cause skin thinning, making it susceptible to crepey and wrinkled skin. Sleep deprivation is also a factor in crepey skin deformation. When you don’t get enough sleep, the skin becomes dehydrated. The skin can appear less transparent, with a noticeable loss of elasticity. Other causes, such as poor diet, smoking, and stress, can all point to an increased likelihood wrinkles and crepey skin. 

sleeping woman

Preventing premature skin aging is not difficult but requires some discipline. The most effective way to avoid premature crepey skin is to protect the skin from UV exposure. Seek shade, wear protective clothing, and apply an excellent broad-spectrum sunscreen. Avoid tanning beds if you use them. UV radiation will damage the DNA of the skin cells, leading to premature aging and skin cancer. Keep your skin well hydrated. Use a good quality moisturizer frequently. A very good quality silicone pad will trap the moisture under the skin, keeping it healthy and plump. SilcSkin’s medical-grade pads are made in the USA using a platinum curing process that helps the pads last longer. 

Nutrition also plays a big part in maintaining healthy skin. To reduce developing crepey skin, it’s essential to have a balanced and nutrition-rich diet. Omega-3 fatty acids (found in salmon), vitamins A, C, D, and E, and antioxidants (found in berries) play a part in maintaining healthy skin. 

Sleep deprivation can prevent healthy skin. Get a good night of restful sleep, reduce stress levels, exercise regularly, and drink lots of water.